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April 2007

Gallatin County Weed Board
Regular Monthly Meeting
April 5, 2007

Board members present were Jeff Littlefield (Chair), Bob Hofman, Linda Vrooman, Fred Bell, Craig Morgan and Joe Skinner (Commissioner). Others present were Keith Mainwaring (property owner), Betty Biggs (Farm Bureau), Jody Fagan (Big Sky/Gallatin WMA Committee), Greg Sullivan (Deputy County Attorney), Dennis Hengel (Coordinator) and Rosemary Perry (Secretary).

Minutes. The Minutes of the March meeting had been mailed to the Board and were approved as read.

Claims. The Claims were reviewed as written in the Monthly report with the addition of some expenses from the MT Challenge program, Office expenses and lodging for one of the Enforcement/Education candidates. Linda Vrooman moved to approve the Claims presented, Bob Hofman seconded and the motion carried.


Jeff Littlefield asked Hengel if the issue of extra costs regarding the unused office space had been resolved. Hengel informed him that the Weed District would only pay for the space they have used this budget year. Next budget year (FY ’08) the Weed Office will move into the space vacated by the Extension Service. This will consolidate the staff.


1.      Public Comment/Other.
Ø       Jody Fagan, representing the Gallatin/Big Sky WMA Committee presented a proposal to the Board regarding the hiring of an Intern to work as a liaison for this area. The Intern would be paid through Big Sky funding for the first six (6) weeks and the committee has applied for funding for the rest of the field season. The committee feels that education is the most important aspect of the job. Enforcement would only take place on severe issues and would be addressed through the Weed District. The program has been successful so far and the committee would like to see it continue. The new program will focus mainly on Big Sky. Keith Mainwaring is on the Committee and expressed concern that the new approach is concentrating on Big Sky and not the entire Gallatin River corridor. Fagan stated that currently the funding for this project is coming from Big Sky, however they are exploring additional funding sources with the idea of expanding along the Gallatin River corridor to Four Corners. The committee would also like to initiate a comprehensive weed-mapping program to ascertain where the greatest noxious weed infestations are.

2.      Subdivision Requirements/Enforcement. Greg Sullivan (Deputy County Attorney) was introduced. Sullivan has been reviewing the Weed District Bylaws, the Subdivision Review process and the Enforcement Program.
Ø       Bylaws - The Board members were given a copy of the Bylaws with Sullivan’s revisions. They elected to review the revision and vote on the document at the next Board meeting.
Ø       Subdivision Review – Sullivan presented to the Board revisions regarding the Weed Law and subdivisions. Sullivan explained the Improvement Agreement document that provides a contractual agreement to completion of a WMP. The Subdivider would enter into an Improvements Agreement, pursuant to Section 8.b.1.g of the Subdivision Regulations, with the Gallatin County Board of County Commissioners,  if the weed control or revegetation is not completed as specified in the WMP. The process would be administered through the Weed District. The Improvement Agreement program would only cover county subdivisions. It would not cover any developments within Bozeman, Belgrade, Manhattan, Three Forks or West Yellowstone city limits. Sullivan also stated that Hengel would need to review estimated costs and state that the estimate is adequate. The Board felt that these changes were what they have been looking for and would be a good step to take. They will discuss further during the Strategic Planning process.
Ø       Enforcement Process – Sullivan informed the Board that the current process is part of the State Law and therefore cannot be changed at the county level. Currently when a complaint is filed the District inspects the property to validate the complaint. The property owner is issued a Property Inspection Notice with a 10-day response period. After 10 days a Notice of Voluntary Compliance is sent with a 10-day response period. If no response a Notice of Non Compliance is issued with a 10-day response period. If there is still no response the Weed District can enter the property and do control work on the weeds. Billing would be at current commercial rate plus a 50% penalty.
3.      Commissioner Report. Commissioner Skinner stated that he was optimistic about the new position and also regarding Greg Sullivan’s information.
5.      Coordinator Report. Hengel reported on the Montana Challenge presentations. He felt they had gone well. Commissioner Skinner had attended the seminar at the City of Manhattan presentation. Commissioner Skinner said that an important message from the seminar was that strategies regarding the impact of the changing demographics needed to developed locally and to not expect Helena to provide solutions. The Commercial Applicator training that was co-hosted by Broadwater and Gallatin Counties at the Headwaters Livestock Pavilion was well attended.
4.      Chairperson Report. Littlefield reported that he would not be at the next meeting. On Wednesday April 4th he attended the Noxious Weed Awareness and Education meeting in Helena and gave a report on the Weed Summit. Some of the topics that were of particular interest at the meeting were;
a.      Need for education and Awareness for small acreage people
b.      Cost share discussion regarding herbicides
Littlefield also reported that Ravalli County was holding a collection day for Spotted knapweed weevils. Discussion followed regarding biological control of Spotted knapweed. Littlefield volunteered to contact Ravalli County if Hengel was interested.
6.      Strategic Planning – Strategic Thinking – Work Strategy. The Weed Board evaluated and ranked the issues listed by Hengel from the Work Strategy paper into Short Term and Long Term Goals. Short Term was defined as completion within the next 5 years. Long Term was defined as longer than 5 years.
Short Term Goals were identified as:
1)      Management of road system and County properties:
i.      Initiate limited boom spray program
ii.     Replacement schedule for 1 ton trucks
iii.    Cooperative program with MDT, FW&P as per Weed Summit
2)      Municipalities:
iv.     Cooperative programs with cities whereby they assume responsibility and the Weed District focuses on “hot spots”.
v.      Detention work program – a good place to utilize this program would be along the Gallatin River corridor.
3)      Grants:
vi.     Frog Rock program is already going ahead as a cooperative action between GCWD, GVLT, USFS, MRL, and MDT.
vii.    Tall buttercup – Hengel will get the mapping results from Lisa Rew and identify landowners in the affected area. Tall buttercup is a Category 2 weed and needs to be addressed.
viii.   Upper Madison Weed Management Area – Hengel would like to advertise in the West Yellowstone area for a local intern/coordinator. Commissioner Skinner asked if the Missouri River Fund grant would tie in to this program. Hengel replied that the grant might fund equipment and cost share but not personnel. Either seasonal employee wages or the State $6200 grant could go towards salary.
4)      Weed Shop Repairs:
ix.     Bathroom and showers are a top priority – need to get estimate on the remodel
x.      Insulation – need to get estimates. Jeff Littlefield asked if there were any restrictions on how improvements are done on County buildings.
5)      Enforcement Position: Interviews have been conducted. An offer has been made to the top candidate interviewed. Hiring should be completed by May.
6)      Subdivision Review/Gravel Pit Inspections:
xi      Improvement Agreement program as discussed earlier in the meeting.
xii     Review fee increase to recover total costs of the review program.
7)      Seasonal Crew Foreman position changed to a permanent year round employee.  Funding would be from the subdivision review fee, temporary crew foreman wages and seasonal spray crew wages. This person would manage the seasonal spray crew, weed shop and conduct the subdivision reviews. Vrooman brought up the fact that the subdivision review revenue is running behind last year’s figures.
8)      Undercarriage Wash Station; Extension Service has an employee that might possibly use the wash station, thus solving the insurance problems.
9)      Hiring the Big Sky Intern – As discussed during Jody Fagan’s presentation.
10)     The Weed Office will be consolidated in the old Extension Office area for the upcoming budget year.
11)     Hengel suggested that the Secretary (Perry) could be trained to answer basic questions for the public and have the job description changed from secretary to Weed Technician.

Long Term Goals were identified as:
1)      New Office Shop Complex; during discussion it was suggested that the Weed District needs to start setting aside CIP funds towards this project.
2)      Weed Mapping Specialist

From the Short Term and Long Term lists the Board summarized the basic items for prioritization:
1.      Enforcement Position
2.      Subdivision Review – Gravel Pit review
3.      Weed Control on County Road systems and Properties
4.      Weed Shop Repairs.
Commissioner Skinner suggested that before any requests are made for new employees the District should get the subdivision review fee increase accomplished.

Fred Bell moved that the Board ask the Commissioners to move ahead with the Subdivision Weed Management Plan revision to cover Special Improvement Agreements and add the requirements to the County Subdivision Regulations. Bob Hofman seconded and the motion carried.

The regular meeting adjourned at 4.20PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Perry, Secretary